Ed Blann

Ed Blann is a Performer, Singer and Songwriter from Birmingham, UK whose work can be found on all major streaming and download sites. He is a proud performing member of two musical theatre companies in the West Midlands; Queensbridge Musical Theatre Society and Dynamik Theatre.

About Ed Blann

Classically trained in the Manchester Boys Choir, Ed Blann began performing at a young age, but it wasn't until moving to the north east of England and becoming immersed in the thriving folk scene that he began sharing and performing his own music.Drawing from an eclectic taste and wide range of influences, Ed’s solo music has ranged from tender acoustic crooning to raucous electric guitars and gang vocals, lending a unique emotive voice to his distinctive lyrical style.As well as releasing and performing his own music, Ed is no stranger to collaboration and enjoys exploring diverse topics, exemplified in his work on Doctor Who-themed band Chameleon Circuit’s sophomore album “Still Got Legs” for which he was a primary songwriter as well as contributing vocals and guitar.More recently, Ed has been exploring other avenues of performance, including taking to the stage with a number of Musical Theatre Societies.


Spring Awakening - Adult Man
Thistle Theatre, Edinburgh Fringe Festival 5th-19th August
Cobham Theatre, Bromsgrove 3rd September
Little Shop of Horrors - Dentist
Cobham Theatre, Bromsgrove 13th-15th July
The Addams Family: A New Musical - Fester
The Core Theatre, Solihull 14th-17th June
American Idiot - Johnny
Cobham Theatre, Bromsgrove 21st-25th February


Made In Dagenham - Eddie O'Grady
The Core Theatre, Solihull 14th-18th June
Into The Woods - Cinderalla's Prince/Wolf
The Palace Theatre, Redditch 9th-12th February

Ed Blann has been recording music since 2010. Listen below or click through to purchase or stream!

Ed was also a key contributor to Chameleon Circuit's sophomore album "Still Got Legs"

Joining the band during pre-production, Ed began contributing songs he had written inspired by the band's earlier work. When recording sessions began he provided lead and backing vocals, as well as guitars. In April of 2011 the band relocated to Paris, France to complete the album, where Ed was instrumental in working with other members on songs they had contributed that weren't quite fitting on the album.